Campaign and Administrative Finances

Funds for my campaign will be raised primarily by the sale of this book. Any money left over from these sales will be donated to the United States Treasury.

Here's how it works. Read this book. If you like it enough to want me to be the next president, then pay for this book by sending $10.00 to me at the address below.
k.w. nicholson
1008 neighbors road
Goodwater, Al 35072

send email
post comments on facebook at Nick Fourpres

If you would rather pay with a credit card, you can do so on the Conclusion page.

This book was written and is Copyrighted by K. W. Nicholson 1996. All rights reserved. Anyone may print this book for their own purposes or to give to a friend, as long as this paragraph is printed on the front page of the copy.

The profit from the sale of this book and the presidents salary will be used for operating and living expenses while in office. Any money left over will be donated to the United States Treasury.  If I do not get elected, the profit from the sale of this book, after paying state and federal taxes, will be donated to the United States Treasury.