Fall Semester, 2010

INSTRUCTOR: K. W. Nicholson

Phone: 256 215 4336 or 215 4343 email: nnicholson@cacc.cc.al.us

Office: BS 224 Office Hours : Monday 3-4 PM, Tuesday & Thursday 7:30-8 AM


PHY 201 - General Physics I

3 Hrs Lecture 2 Hrs Lab Credit: 4 semester Hours

COURSE CO-REQUISITES: Math 113 Trigonometry


This course provides a trigonometry based study in classical physics. Topics included are: mechanics, heat and thermodynamics.

II. COURSE OBJECTIVES: As a result of successfully completing this course the student will be able to:

1. Make measurements accurately and analyze data in lab experiments.

2. State the difference between distance and displacement, and between speed and velocity.

3. Understand and use the concept of acceleration.

4. Solve constant acceleration problems using the kinematic equations of motion.

5. Analyze and solve simple projectile motion problems involving one and two moving objects.

6. Use free body diagrams in the analysis of simple statics and motion problems.

7. Extend Newton's laws to solve rotational motion problems.

8. Use Archimedes Principle to solve simple bouancy problems.

9. Understand the difference between temperature and heat.

10. Understanding Simple Harmonic Motion

11. Solve simple applications of the first and second laws of thermodynamics.


1. Walker's, Chapter 1: Measurement.

2 Walker's, Chapter 2: Distance, displacement, speed and velocity.

3. Walker's, Chapter 3: Vectors

4. Walker's, Chapter 4: Projectile and circular motion

5. Walker's, Chapter 5: Force and Newton's three laws of motion.

6. Walker's, Chapter 6: Applications of Newton's Laws.

7. Walker's, Chapter 7 & 8: Energy

8. Walker's, Chapter 9: Linear Momentum & Colllisions.

9. Walker's, Chapter 10: Rotational Kinematics & Energy

10.Walker's, Chaper 11: Rotational Dynamics & Static Equilibrium

11.Walker's, Chapter 13: Oscillations About Equilibrium

12. Walker's, Chapter 15: Fluid Mechanics.

13. Walker's, Chapter 16 : Temperature & Heat

14. Walker's, Chapter 17: Phases & Phase Changes

15. Walker's, Chapter 18: The Laws of Thermodynamics


1. Measurement

2. Intro to Motion

3. Projectile Motion

4. Force I

5. Force II

6: Force, Work & Power

7. Work & Potential Energy.

8. Momentum

9: Rotation Motion Lab

10: Torque

11: Statics

12: Archimedes Principle

13. Heat & Thermo Lab 1: Temperature

14: Heat & Thermo Lab 2: Heat Transfer I

15: Heat & Thermo Lab 5: Phase Change

IV. References: Alan Van Heuvelen's ALPS Kits, Kinetic Books text (on computers in lab)

V. Required (Graded) Assignments: 15 -15 pt experiments, 3 -100 point tests, 1- 200 point final, daily Reading Quizzes, 100 points, daily Clicker Questions, 100 points, pre test - 30 pts, post test 45 pts .




15 - 10 pt Online Hwk Assignments

Due Dates are on the internet.

Log on to masteringphysics.com, register using your access code, and enroll in mpnicholson81610

Clicker Questions - 100 pts total Daily

Clicker questions cannot be made up. Clicker grade is a participation grade. Accuracy will earn possible bonus points. (Any score above 80% is bonus points.) That means, if you have a grade for every question, you get 100 pts. If you have a 92% accuracy, you get 12 bonus points.

15 -15 pt Experiments

225 pts total

Some labs may be different from the ones in the lab manual.

Labs will be done in groups of my choosing.

Data sheets and lab write-ups will be turned in individually.

You must submit a copy of your data sheet on Wednesday prior to lab.

You should come with most of your lab write-up completed, except for values obtained in lab, analysis, DOA, and conclusion.

You may turn in labs electronically, either on flash drives, or email.

Lab experiment write-ups are due the Monday after performed. None accepted late. You can do labs early, but not late.

Definitions 100 pts total

Daily Definitions cannot be made up or turned in late.

4 - 100 pt tests given on

9-1, 9-29, 10-20, 11-10 during the frist 50 minutes of class before labs.

No make up tests will be given. First missed test will be replaced by 1/2 of your final exam score, any other missed tests will receive 0.

If 100 % of the class agrees to take tests on Wednesdays 12:30 - 1:50, you will have more time to take tests.

1-200 pt Final Exam

Dec.13, 12:30-2:30

Final will be comprehensive.

Up to 50 points bonus

Create a Science Team and visit a third grade class 5 times this semester, once every two weeks. You will receive 10 points for each visit. Visits must be during the dates specified (unless reschedduled by the third grade teacher) and cannot be made up.

Science Teams must submit an Activity report after each visit before the interval deadline. Forms, including pictures should be submitted electronically so I can put them on the webpage.

Interval 1- 9-7 to 9-26

Interval 2 - 9-26 to 10-16

Interval 3 - 10-12 to 10 - 30

Interval 4 - 11-1 to 11-18

Interval 5 - 11-16 to 12-9

If you plan to do this, you must submit a STIF by 9-13-2010

Note 1: Use of communication devices such as pagers, cell phones, walkie talkies, or whatever, is prohibited in this class. If one rings, buzzes, vibrates or distracts you or the class, you may be dismissed from the course.

Note 2: Playing games on computers in the physics lab may result in your being dismissed from this course.


The above total, excluding bonus points, is 1175 points and your accumulative total will be divided by that amount to calculate your final average.

1044 - 1175 = A, 928 - 1043 = B, 810 - 927 = C, 693 - 809 = D, 0 - 692 = F


l. You should keep all returned papers. You should also keep track of the ratio (your accumulative total)/(The accumulative total possible to date) as the semester progresses.


Physics by James Walker Fourth edition  ISBN  978321541635

Reality Physics Workbook, k.w.nicholson

VIII. Other Important Information:

1. Attendance: We no longer have the permission to drop students for lack of attendance.

2. If you decide to drop this course, you must do so formally before mid-term by going to student services in the Administration Building and filling out a drop form. If simply stop coming to class, you will receive an F in this course!

3. If you have a disability that may prevent you from meeting the course requirements, contact the instructor before the end of the first week of classes to file a student disability request and to discuss a reasonable plan. Course requirements will not be waived but accommodations may be made to assist you in meeting the requirements, provided you are timely in working with the instructor to develop a reasonable accommodation plan.


Most physical phenomena can be explained and understood using a very small set of concepts developed between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. Specifically, Newton's three laws of motion, the laws of conservation of momentum, energy, and charge, and the first and second laws of thermodynamics,. It also helps to learn a few techniques developed in the last decade.

The purpose of first semester physics is to obtain a solid understanding of the laws of motion and the laws of conservation of momentum & energy, and the accompanying entourage of words and symbols. We will apply these laws to explanations of properties of matter and thermodynamics, (first semester),Waves, Sound and Electricity and Magnetism (second semester).

My objective for the year is to have you leave here next spring with the distinct impression that you can solve just about any physical problem you encounter in life henceforth. Many can argue that this will be a false impression. That may be, but as you probably already know, (or will hopefully someday discover), attitude is the most important ingredient in the success of any project you undertake. Enjoy Physics!

Physics 201 Fall 2009

Monday & Wednesday 12:50 - 3:40


Clickers, CA, Theory & Problems


Clickers or Lab Quiz, Problems, do Lab

August 16 Orientation

CA1 Finding a vs m on inclined plane.

August 18 D0 Field Trip and Experiment 1

Period vs Mass on a Pendulum

August 23 D1 2.1 - 2.4 p,V,A, & motion diag

Interactive Demo: acc up, down, & at top of ramp

August 25 D2 2.5 - 2.8Kinematic Eq. w/constant acc

Experiment 2 Kinematics I

August 30 D3

Chapter 3 Vectors , 4.1 2 - Dim Motion

September 1 Test 1

Exp 3 2 Dimensional Motion

September 6 No Class, Labor Day

September 8 D4 4.2 - 4.5 Projectile Motion

Exp 4 Projectile Motion

September 13 D5 5.1 - 5.5 Force I

Do the Saga of Hank & Sally Part I

September 15 5.6 - 5.7 Normal Forces

Exp 5 Forces I Pulleys

September 20 6.1-6.4 Friction and Tension

Saga of Hank & Sally Part II

September 22 Workbook Force Activities

Exp 6 Forces II Rolling Friction

September 27 D6 Chap 7 Kinetic Energy, Work & Power , Wkb Chap 6, W& E Alps

September 29 D7 Test 2

Exp 7 Force, Work, and Power

October 4 D8 Chapter 8 Potential Energy

CA2 W,E, Rolling Friction, & cons of E

October 6 Work Chap 6 problems

Exp 8 Newton's Third Law

October 11 D9 9.1-9.6 Momentum & Collisions

CA 3 Egg Breaking Contest

October 13 Problems from Chap 9

Exp 9 Spring in the Box

October 18 D10 & D11 9.7 Center of Mass

Chap 9 Circular Motion

Interactive Demo Centripetal Force and acceleration

October 20 Test 3

Exp 10 REM & Circular Motion

October 25 D12 Chap 6.5, Chap 10 Rotation

October 27 D13

Exp 11 Design your own Rot Mot Lab

November 1 D15 Chap 11.1-11.5 Torque & Statics

CA4 jws torque problem

November 3 More Statics, Angular Momentum

Experiment 12 Torque I

November 8 D16 Chap 15 Solids & Fluids

Interactive Demo:

a)Predict tension in string when object is submerged in water, b) Predict density of mystery fluid

November 10 Test 4

Esperiment 13 Archimedes Principle

November 15 D19 Chap 16 Temperature

Class Activity 4 H&T Lab 1

November 16 Problems

Experiment 14 H&T Lab 2

November 29 D20Chap 17 Ideal Gas Law, Phase Changes, Latent Heat

December 1 More Chap 17 Problems

Experiment 14 H&T II Specific Heat

December 6 Chap 18 First Law of Thermo

Experiment 15 H&T V Phase Change

December 13

Final Exam 12:30 - 2:30

Note! This pacing chart is subject to change at any time.

K.W. Nicholson's Schedule for Fall 2010

Monday & Wednesday



8 - 10:40 Phy 216 & 213

7:30-8 Office

Office Hours by Appt. only

12:50 - 3:40 Phy 201 & Phy 205

8-9:15 Math 112

4 - 5 Office

10:50 - 12:35 Math 125

12:35 - 1:00 Lunch

1 - 5 Office or Physics lab


Chapter 2 P 1,5,9,17,23,35,28,33,35,43,57,71,77,78B,79

Chapter 3 P 1,5,7,10,15,17,21,27,31,39

Chapter 4 4,11,17,27,31,39,47,49,53

Chapter 5 5,11,17,21,27,41,45,47,49,71,73

Chapter 6 P 1,5,7,11,21,23,25,33,35,37,45,47,53,55,59,61,69

Chapter 7 P 3,7,9,15,19,25,33,45,47,73

Chapter 8 P 3,5,15,17,25,31,41,43,47,55,81

Chapter 9 P 5,13,19,25,31,33,37,39,51,59

Chapter 10 P 3,7,15,31,35,47,49,55,57,59,67,69

Chapter 11 P 1,3,5,13,15,17,19,23,37,41,43,47,53,57,59,65,67,73,77

Chapter 15 P 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,27,31,33,35,49,51,53,59,61,65,67,71

Chapter 16 P 1,3,7,17,19,27,33,35,37,39,49,53,55,59

Chapter 17 P 5,7,13,25,27,29,57,59,63,67,69

Chapter 18 P 1,3,11,13,15,19,21,23,25,29,45,47