Rules for Robotics Engineering I Competition 2011

Race # 3: CACC Go Get the Cheese - Retrieval Competition


This is a mouse & cheese game. Your robot must leave it's den, traverse the maze to find the cheese, and then bring the cheese back to it's den. The robot to do this successfully with the best score wins. Your score will be determined by the trial time plus any penaty points.


Each team will be allowed two trials.

Good Luck!



1. You can use 1 nxt, all three of your motors,and any other ingenious devices you choose to attach to your robot.

2. Add one second each time a wheel of your robot completely crosses a lane marker. (means it's ok to touch the lane line.)

3. If your robot is disabled and you have to enter the circle to retrieve it, you will be disqualified for that trial.

4. If your robot drops or loses the cheese during retrieval you will be disqualified for that trial.

5. You will be allowed to modify or repair your robot between trials.

Each member of the winning team will receive a winner's certificate and a prize.


Option 1

go get cheese

Option 2

go get cheese 2